5550 Ann Street, Manotick, Ontario Phone: (613) 692-3243
A reminder that All the staff here are volunteers. Rude or obnoxious callers will not be tolerated
Branch 314 - Executive 2023/24
President - Harvey Renaud
1st Vice President - Tom Bull
2nd Vice President - Chris Bradford
3rd Vice President - Peter Bachelor
Secretary -Margery Toner
Treasurer - Cindy D'Alessio
Sergeant at Arms - Roy Blair
Immediate Past President - Shirley Spinks
Chaplain - Rev. Ed Montano
Simone Bachelor
Garnett Bull
Ian Burleton
Tony DeLuca
Terry Hunter
Bryan Mack
Mark Phillips
Don Whitehurst
Melanie Woolley
Bruce Lindsay
Branch 314 - Committee Chairs and Standalone Positions
The following committee chairs and standalone positions are appointed by the President in accordance with Branch by-laws.
Mandatory Standing Committee Chairs
(must be a member of the Executive)
Leadership Development -Mark Phillips
Legion Seniors - Bryan Mack
Membership - Simone Bachelor
Poppy - Tom Bull
Campaign - Barry Taylor
Treasurer - Jeff Kilborn
Public Relations (PRO) - Bruce Lindsay
Sports - Garnett Bull
Track & Field - Mark Philllips
Veterans Service (VSO) - Bryan Mack
Youth Education - Don Whitehurst
Optional Standing Committee Chairs
Archives & Memorabilia - Ian Burleton
Bar - Chris Bradford
Bursary - Judy McMillan
Entertainment - Harvey Renaud
Kitchen Co-ordinator - Tony DeLuca
Fundraising - Bruce Lindsay/Judy McMillan
Honours & Awards - Roy Blair
Office - Margery Toner
Agendas and Minutes - Mark Phillips
Property - vacant
Strategic Planning - Harvey Renaud
Special Committee Chairs
Branch Heath and Welfare - Melanie Wooley
Commemorative Events - Bryan Mack
Commemorative Naming - Dennis Osmond
Remembrance Park Garden - Chris Bradford
QEII Memorial Project - Peter Bachelor
Veteran Memorial Banner Project - Annette Blaedow
Vimy Oak Project - Bruce Lindsay
Standalone Positions
Army Cadet Liaison - Peter Bachelor
Building Security - Harvey Renaud
Facility Rentals - Roy Blair
Historical Officer - Terry Hunter
Legionnaire Newsletter - Simone Bachelor, Mark Phillips
Community Activities Liaison - Bruce Lindsay
Webmaster - Phil Minty